Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May Allah bless my Mother.

For last some days Mom is sick , she is suffering from gastrointestinal problems. She can not eat every things and Mom is not feeling good . My Mom is The best things in the world for me . This is very difficult for me to calculate which is nearest My MON or Shan or Sara . All three  ( MOM . Shan , Sara ) are some to me , but I feel more for my MOM , I sacrificed a lot for  my MOM and family , I like to sacrifice myself . Now Mom is very much sick but she can not tall me every things , last week she call me but her voice is poor , I became very afraid to hear mom's voice . I can not sleep at night . I was very worried about her health. Last days Mom phone me and told me that she is fine , she was admitted in  hospital for sickness , Doctors check her all body and treats her as per the syndrome.

Today morning I was in bus when I phone call came from NZ. First it was MOM voice and then Dad toke the phone , I talk with Dod , he told me that every things is going on well. Mom is also fine . But I think so they are hide some things from me . May be MOm and Dad was not interested to told me then problems or they dont what is happen. There fore I am not feeling well as mother health concern . I can not things the world with out Mom.

May almighty Allah bless my mom . May she will get well soon . I love mom very much.... 

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