Thursday, May 24, 2012

Love for men

As like every day i am coming office from Kataban to Paribagh . At Aziz supermarket moor I see a beautiful young girl plug a headphone in ear cross me . She take a Rikshaw and going forword to paribagh . After some time the Rikshaw stop and lady get down and go to a slum baby who was playing in the road . The lady open her bag and i sow she is opening a cake for the slum baby . I knowthe slum baby every day , their family leave in the footpath of the road . baby was unhealthy and    ware dirty dress . I was astonish to see the picture . we never think what i have see . every day i see the slum baby play in the road but I never things to give the baby any food or others things . I gases that it is not a sudden works , may be the lady has any experience or she may suffer for the love of a children. May be I am wrong , if it is ture then I will be happy .

I give salute to the lady who done this great works. we all have to do this kind of works. Man is for man , so we have to works for another . If we work for another then every things will be easier.


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