Monday, May 21, 2012

I am late in office

there is too much hot in Bangladesh , every body are suffering in this unbearable head . there is also electricity and water crisis here . there fore we are facing a lot of problems. Last night i can not sleep due to heat . I want to bed at 11.30 pm but not getting sheep . So I woke up and open my PC and done some of my personal works. Around 12.30 am I have finished my works and go for bed.
this is morning and time to woke up- my phone is alarming me . I go to toilet fresh up my self and open the windows of my home for fresh air. After some time my little angel SARA woke up and came to me .Then I play with  Sara and at 8 am I take bath and ready for office. I also take breakfast and dress up for office. Every day Sara came with me at the mail door of my home and give bye bye to me . this day also the same things happen , Sara came with me . I have purchase writing paper and bread for Shan. Then give Sara to her mom and I start for office.
There are too much jam in the road . it took  half an hour for cross Pagla area . I also face jam in Jurain , Doyagonj  and joykalo mondir. At 10. 24 a came Gulistan area . there are very very hot in bus and i was burning in the heat . I have change bus and arrived another bus to reached at Shahbagh. When the bus came Shanbagh I leave the bus and came office ........

At 10.45 I have punched my card in office attending machine .   

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