Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wrighting module of IELTS.

Here is one sample  of writing module  ( Task one )

Leisure time in a typical week  : by sex ad employment status , 1998-99

The demonist Colum graph provide the information about leisure hour enjoyed by ladies and gents of different employment categorized. As it is present different employment of male and female enjoyed different leisure hour.
According to Colum graph employed full time male utilized almost forty five hour where as female utilized below forty hour. Employed part time ladies use forty four as leisure tome, no figure provided for gents. However unemployed and retried both male and female enjoy more leisure hour then other employed status. Lastly housewife and enjoyed forty five hour, there is no figure given for male.
In consolation it is clear from graph more male then female utilized leisure hour except employee and house wife.

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