Monday, September 3, 2012

I am facing some problems

For last few days I am in some treble  and can not fix up it , I shall try my best to fix but other party want to not fix it . This is why i have to take a hard decision and I have to done it . It was my dream to make a beautiful factory and I have try to build it . It was done by us , After 3 month one of my partner make some problems and he go out from the organization.

We are in loss but factory is going on , we are trying to  make it profitable , we are working working and working. I see some solution and try to use it . It make some problems of my other partner so he also want to go out from the Factory . We invest 20 lac for the factory , give another 2 lac for running capital but can not earn anything . No body want to take risk , the risk is mine , I have to take the loss the Factory .
I am ready for every thing , I need some support and I am looking for a person who will work for me . 

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