Tuesday, January 31, 2012

MRP passport has cost me a lot

My current passport has expired and i have to need a new passport , For this reason yesterday I want to Dhaka passport office , they told me that I have to go Jatrabari office because my residence is Narayangonj. But they can not inform me the full information , Today morning I go to Jatrabari Passport office and submit my paper with my old passport , But they told me that I need to attached copy of my ID card and also need to reattached my photo. They told me that my photo has attached with Verprapto Chairman which is not valid , I need to re attached my picture . This is very much disappointed me  , as per the passport office documentation I need not to attached my ID card , but the assign officer need this , But what to do , I have to go again with the required documents.

Government office do not help any people , they can attached the paper but does not do it , for a very silly mistake they Denney to received the application form and there are also a hazard for police verification , you need a police verification for passport , but police does nothing with out money , So we have to pay extra money for passport .
I have spend around 8 hour for last two days , All working hour are valueless  because i have to go next day for my MRP  passport.

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