Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Last days with MOM and DAD

At November 10 , MOM and DAD came Bangladesh with a lot of happiness, We are waiting for them from a long time and finally we meet together. the was a great day to us , Shan , Beauty Apo and I was in the air port for receiving them and at around 1 am we find them . After some minutes we start for Fatullah. We reached home and all other relatives came to our home , this is like a Eid Day, MOM came for 50 days and last evening they start for New Zealand. MOM and DAD came to Bangladesh and we are happy and Shahin and Jovrhan are miss them.On the other hands today we are missing MOM and DAD and Shahin and Jovrhan are very happy as they get them. Mom's flight fly from Dhaka at 9 pm and reached koalalampur 3 am. they have to fly again at 8 am for Auckland ,  I call Shahin and inform that MOM reached 00.05 am this days , so please go to Airport for received them. After the departure of their Plane I am very much worried and I thing I will relief after they go thier own home at Auckland.

This 50 days was a dream for us . Time was passing  very speedy at that time , we can not understand how the days has came to end .
I love my MOM and  DAD  very much , I am missing they ......


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