Friday, September 5, 2014

Sourcing in procurement and supply - CIPS, at NZCC

Now I taking preparation for my class exam. Today I have read some important definition in  chapter 5- Financial appraisal of suppliers ,  They are following

Assets : An assets is something which is owned by the  business and  use for achieving the business objective .

Liability : Liability is a sum owned by the business to outsiders ( eg amount owning the trade and outstanding load , overdraft , tax and wages.)

Income or revenue : this is the amount earned by the organization .
 eg  from sales,  interest of deposit , dividend of investment

Expenditure : The amount spend by the organization . 

Assets = Fixed assets + current assets

Net Current assets =  Total current assets - total current liability

Turnover : Turnover means what amount of good sold during  the year, whether or not the cash was actually received during the year. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yeasin, This is pramod form India (new Delhi). I read your blog about your course you are studying in NZ. I am also in same procurement domain & i am looking forward to know more about this course. Could you please reply to my email & connect me through my email id or skype, it would be great. My email id is & skype id is pkd104. Id would be great if you can connect & reply to me about this course on my email id.

    +91 9818332759
