Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Waiting and waiting

I have applied somewhere one month before , they mail me that, they will inform me with in 20 working days .  The time line has been finished but till now I have been not informed about the matter. This is a very very important matter for my life , This one decision can change my life and my family life. Time is passing slowly and I am became frustrating. There are a lots of works have to do . I have to take some steps for my Business unit Lalpur Fashion Knit. There are some others have to do for the time being . But all the matter are hold up for some one . If the authority approved my application then I have to work in one way , others hand I have to done the reverse. Resently I have got a scholarship from Deffodill Institution of IT(DIIT) for Outsourcing. Today is the last day for admission here , there fore I am taking time for admission because If I admit and can not continue it may hampered the DIIT and also one other student who can take place of me.

Waiting time is very lazy.....and in my case I am suffering a lots .

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