Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Waiting for a signal for a better life

         For last few days I am working a lot for the implement of my dream. My dream is to make a bright future of my child. In Bangladesh it is very difficult for anyone to make a better environment. Here we are just living and spending time with time machine. I am not working in the top level management of my company. For better and higher career I furthermore need higher education and if this higher education form first world, it may help me to build my future. I am trying my best for higher education, from last 4 years I am saving money for the tuition fee and others expenses. I have practicing English everyday and making me up to date for the 21st century education. It is now easier for me to arrange all the things. I have no helping hands and all things have done by me. From every corner, collect English version Transcript to police clearance certificate I have to works hard. After long 2 month preparation I have done everything’s as my requirements. I have done my duty and now waiting for the signal for the authority. If they give me the chance for build my career, this may the highest scope for my future. I am 38 years now and there are no more avenues for me to build career. Therefore I need a good luck and help from almighty Allah.

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