Monday, June 30, 2014

FIFA world Cup 2014 , Brazil update

I have very much disappointed after the last night match of FIFA world cup 2014. I was a neutral supporter in the game and watch the game till 91 minuets , but after the penalty shoot against the Mexico , I have stop  TV. Foot ball is a fantastic game and I live it very much . But if at lost time referee give penalty shoot , this means that the one team is out of play. This is happened with Mexico . Netherlands was playing well and they are very close to goals . But due to strong defense and goalkeeper better performance , they are unable to make goals. on the other land Mexico had given 1 goals at 53 minutes.  In this stage Netherlands give one goals at 87 minutes and trying to another goals. But Referee give the goals and make them winner in the 2 round knock out match . To day there are two match in the tournaments , France VS Nigeria at 10 pm BDT and Germany Vs Algeria at 2 am BDT . I am waiting for the match , I with I will watch the matches.

Next day is the last day of 2nd round match , that day Argentina will play against Switzerland  and Belgium will play with USA . after this matches semi final match will be start.

Wait and see...........what will be happened    

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