Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Climate change of Bangladesh

    We live in Bangladesh which is the most effected country of global worming , Due to the global worming and climate change we are losing your environment habit , temperature and living place. Today temparature of Dhaka is 39 degree which is much more higher from Dhaka's normal situation.
All of population of Dhaka burn out with hit and humidity. This is unbearable condition , we can not sleep at night . No rain, not cold air, no comfort. Our weather department also not giving us any good news for the situation . what we can do now, thinking and thinking.    

At this stage we are waiting for the help of Allah , If Almighty Allah give rain the the situation can be changed and we may relief for the hit stoke . we are praying to Allah for helping us and solved the currently suffering problems. 

BBC weather link 

For more information about Dhaka temperature you can click the following link 



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