Saturday, March 22, 2014

Living City Ranking - "mercer"-2014

As per the data from Vienna , Austria is the best cilty of 2014 for living. the list is follow by Zurich, Switzerland. Auckland , New Zealand. Munich ,Germany and Vancouver , Canada
Analyzing 39 factors of the whole City of the world Mercer ranked 223 city based of the data of living quality. Unfortunately I have to told that Dhaka , Bangladesh where we live in the 2nd lowest City of Asia of the list . This means that where we are living now ( Dhaka ) is not a living place. The world ranking of Dhaka 208 out of 223. Baghdad where man are killing with in the minutes are 1st at the lowest ranking . Al lowest city are African country like Bangui, Sanna, N'Djamena , Brazzaville .

From this date it is clear that we are living Dhaka the most poulated  city of the world , In Dhaka you may need 1 hour to go 1 km at office hour , No electricity for whole day , No security for life and no transport for your communication .We have to work for change it . We need to change the whole country .

For more information please click the link

All data collect from

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