Wednesday, May 21, 2014

AFROUZA AKTER MIAH Poly My very sweet sweet sister

I am deeply shocked and want to memorize the dead anniversary of my elder sister Afrouza Akter Miah Poly ( September 1, 1972 - May 22 , 2007) . This was a very sad incident of our family . She  live in Auckland, New Zealand with her husband and two son Ibrahim Miah and Rayhan Miah. At the  last week of April, 2007 she came Bangladesh for Registration of her Bashundhara Land . Previously all time  Poly came with his husband or children , but this time she came alone. It was a planning of her Husband Abdur Rahim Miah ( Gufur )  who is the main killer of POLY. Billal was younger brother of  Gufur and he kill Ploy as per instruction of his brother. Before send Poly in Bangladesh , Gufur make 10 million Dollar life insurance for Poly and may be made another some insurance for Poly. 

Poly was staying  in out home Lalpur , Fatullah and just passing days to meet up out relatives . At  May 21 she was sleeping in bed . When I came back home from office she woke up and take dinner with me . At May 22 morning I have start for office and seen that Poly is talking with Gufur using  Computer.  This was the last meet with my sweet sister. Poly was just two year elder then me .I was her follower at school , She was the 1st girl of Fatullah Pilot Hish School. She score 1st division in S.S.C.& H.S.C. She love my Father very much and my father also very pleased to  Poly. My parents live on NZ with poly and My younger brother Shahin. 

At 3 pm , May 22, 2007 Billal call  me over mobile phone and told me that Poly was coming his office at Romna Bhavan , But she would not reached . I have very friendly relation with Billal, Last week I given him some money to buy a mobile phone for his wife. two to three time in a week I came Billal office to solve his computer related problems. I  told his to call her( POLY) mobile phone , Billal told me that her phone is switch off . After that I call every one for any information about Poly. After my office hour Billal and I goes to Dhaka medical college to see if any accident was happen .
Then we go Mothijheel Police Station for any news. At night we also go Narayangonj Sadar Hospital and 200 bed Hospital  for findout if any accident was happen in road . But every step was unsuccessful and we would not found any  trace of my sweet sister Afrouza Akter Poly. We are worried and would not open the TV so that we can not inform form any news from TV , After 10 Pm there was update news to Bangla Vision TV to found a dead body within a dram at Dhjlaipar , Jatrabari . At night Tuhin ( My cousin ) told me that he talk with Poly over mobile phone at noon  and Poly told Tuhin  that she was in Billal office and will go Bashundhara to see her plot. Poly also offer Tuhin to go with her. Then we were very much worried  and thinking what can happen ,what will be happen? 

At morning May 23, we inform from news paper that one dead body was found in Jatrabari Police Station and send to SSMC ( Mitford Hospital Morgue ) , some body told me to go there , but I told why I go there, Poly can not be found here , We not ever think that Poly can be found dead . After some time with the request of relatives we want to SSMC morgue. One of my Beximco colleague  Humayan was SSMC. The morgue was closed , Humayan told some one to bring the key and open door. After some time I found Poly is sleeping in the floor of the morgue, there was no life in her body. I was out of seance and can not control myself. I am looking my sweet sister body, She taken last dinner of her life with me .How it possible? why Ploy is here .One big chemical green drum was here. The dead body of Poly was found in this drum. The drum was known to me for its smile , This drum was used in Billal office for making white Vinal .
After some time police told me to go with them at Jatrabari Tkana , At Jatrabari Thana some officer ( ADC & OC ) interrogation me and take detail about the incident .Then they order some officer to arrest Billal and they suspect that Gofur was involved with the matter . And lastly they were right . My mom was abnormal after the incident and told me to not grave Ploy until she came Bangladesh. We preserved Ploy dead body at mortuary of BIRDEM hospital. After My mother reached we graved Poly at Lalpur graveyard.

After some days it has been  clear that Billel Murder Poly in his office with order of his brother Gufur .
One main reason of murder was life insurance money of Poly  but other reason was unknown. Gufur did not came Bangladesh after POLY murder and do not allow her son to see the grave yard of their mother . Gufur spend 1 core Taka for saving  himself and his brother from the murder case , Gafur sell his Boshundhara plot, Poly's  Mercedes-Benz  car and other valuable furniture for save him self, his brother and hair killer. But Billal can not save himself , after ball ( Jamin) form high court he  leave the country , now a out law accused . Billal has been  sentenced  life time jall for Killing My dear sister POLY.

Due to the gap of the Law , criminals has taken advantage, Police and other help them for money and therefore its became very hard to prove the crime in Court. I have been fight a lot for the justice, I have done as I can. I taken  the case in SPEEDY TRIBUNAL and find out all the witness, convince them to came Court and give statement and finished the trial . I have to works against Killers, Money , Corruption , Corrupted Court officer & Police. Advocate Alamgir Vai, one of my lawyer and brother has saved me from them .  last of all I have to say that we were unable to punished the culprit Billal as because He became a out law , Have leave the country , But he have been sentence for life time jall for killing of Afrouza Akter Poly

May All mighty ALLAH bless my sister , may she have a good life in grave and may Allah place her at heaven.

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