Sunday, February 3, 2013

Salauddin Miah - we last for forever

Md . Salahuddin Miah (January 18, 1947 - February 3, 2011)

To day is February 3 , one of the most memorable day of my life. My Maternal Uncle and Father in law , Salauhddin Miah died the day . This is my pleasure that he died in my leap , He was surround by us , we shall try our best to safe her but Allah give us no chance to do any thing . From evening he was filling discomfort and we want to take him Hospital. But he did not allow us to go hospital , At last when he give us permission to take him hospital , time was over , We toke him hospital , but Doctor's has nothing to do. We back home with the dead body .

This night is one of the worst night of my live . I shall try my best but could not do anythings. For last 10 year we look after each other , he visit India with me last 4 times . I have organized his 2nd bi-pass operation in Bangalore in 2009, Even we also visit the Hospital in 2010 together. He has no son , I shall try to make up his this gap. He also done a lot of things for me, when we are young he look after my family , All time he was the umbrella of  of all of our family . Any problems of any body he was the frontier , He was quality to solved all difficulty. His last work was Lalpur Fashion Knit . He want to set up me  and this is why he purchase this factory for me . He rarely work for Lalpur Fashion , Ramarbagh Factory , but he love to works for our BSCIC factory . He give a lot of time for Lalpur Fashion Knit , solved com pressure and generator problems. 

He was a social worker , Donner,  organizer  and sports man. He was huge contribution for Lalpur Mosjid , Shanshine school and other institution . No body back from his with zero hand , he like to spend money for others. All staff of his Factory and Bank was very pleased to him. he never hart any body , 

May Allah bless him , May his all good wished are done , May Almighty Allah save him for all difficulty of grave yard .

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