Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lalpur Fashion knit

Lalpur fashion knit is my dream , With a lots of efforts and hard work I am continue this projects. This was a poor industry and we purchase it for develop its. there was a plan to purchase another machine and run it with a huge production. But we are facing problems and problems. First we have to encounter with one of my partner , with a miss communication he go our from then factory. Then we the other 2 partner are running the Industry. We are trying to purchase new machine and develop it , but my partner shows a slow responds . He is delaying the matter and we are going down. At this April he bought 2 machine , this was a good machine and we are working well. there fore ones open a time I have informed that I am losing money from the factory due to my partners illegal business. Then I set up some people to fix this problems . The problems has been solved but another one is created. ...............

to be continue..........  

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