IELTS test in Amritsar, India – June 2012 (Academic Module)
Listening test
Section 1. Conversation between a student and a workshop adviser.
Section 2. A restaurant critic on a radio show was talking about several restaurants in the city.
Section 3. A discussion about the East end of London.
Section 4. A discussion about physical education in schools.
Reading test
Passage 1. Use of Ethanol as a substitute for gasoline.
Passage 2. McKenzie school program.
Passage 3. New Australian museum in Sydney.
Writing test
Writing task 1 (a report)
We were given a line graph and a table about the percentage of world population aged under 5 and over 65, between years 1950 and 2040 (projection), by region.
Writing task 2 (an essay)
People are eating a variety of foods these days which encourages the flow of food from every corner of the world to a local supermarket. Do you think this is negative or positive development? Why?
Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- What do you do?
- Would you like to continue in the same profession in the future?
- Do you remember anything about your primary school?
- Are you attached to your memories? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a science subject that you studied at the secondary school. Please say
- What was the subject?
- How were the teachers?
- Why did you like it?
- Are science subjects popular in your country?
- Should government keep track on scientists’ activities?
- Won’t this practice curb the freedom of scientists?
- What do you think about the role of science in our life?
- What should be done to prevent the negative effects of science?
IELTS Speaking test in Philippines – June 2012
Speaking test
- Where are you living?
- Is it a house or an apartment?
- What is your favorite room in your house?
- What makes your house pleasant?
- Were you drawing during the childhood?
- Is drawing important for an adult?
- Who was a significant person in your childhood?
- Who is a significant person for you these days?
Cue Card
Describe a situation in which you were very polite. Please say
- Where did it happen?
- How did you show that you were polite?
- Explain why were you so polite?
- Do you often see your relatives such as uncles, aunts and cousins?
- What is the difference between being polite with your family members or with a person you don’t know?
- In your country’s culture, how do you show that you are being polite?
IELTS test in Hong Kong and Vietnam – June 2012 (Academic Module)
Listening test
Section 1. A conversation between a salesperson and a woman who wanted to buy a new fridge.
Section 2. A radio program about Yao Ming charity organization giving the audience information when it was established, about its work, events and causes.
Section 3. Two students and a teacher were discussing certain books.
Section 4. A researcher was talking about supplementary food provided to wildlife.
Reading test
Passage 1. About whether or not larger animals have a better chance to survive in the wild.
Passage 2. Controversies of losing weight.
Passage 3. About Morse code.
Writing test
Writing task 1 (a report)
We were given a data table showing percentages of population aged 65 and above in Canada, Germany and UK, in 1980, 2000 and the estimate for 2030.
Writing task 2 (an essay)
Some say that reading newspapers and watching TV news is a waste of time, because it has no direct connection with people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
IELTS Speaking test in Australia – May 2012
Speaking test 1
- What do you do for a living?
- Do you have any good friends?
- What qualities make a good friend?
Cue Card
Describe a place that you would like to visit, when you have some free time. Please say
- Where would you like to go?
- Whom would you like to go with?
- What would you like to do there?
- Why do you want to go there?
- What do youngsters in your country do in their leisure time?
- How do the older people spend their leisure time?
- Do you see the difference between young and old generation?
Speaking test 2
- Do you work or study?
- Do you go out with your friends often?
- When do you usually meet?
- What do you usually do?
Cue Card
Describe a present you given to someone recently. Please say
- What was it?
- Why did you choose it?
- How did the person feel about your present?
- How have today’s economy affected the tradition of giving gifts?
- What are the most popular presents that people give nowadays?
- What is the future trend of this tradition?
All question collected from IELTS-BlogELTS-Blog
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