Friday, December 30, 2011

Last day ( Thursday ) I go to my village with my dad , this day dad done a very big job , he distribute his land to us . We go to out sub-registry office, stay all day long, and done a very very big works. originally this registration of land is only 30 minutes works , you have to trace out the land , made the change of name , wright it to stamp and then go to sub-register for registration, but due to Dalil lekhok and other Dalal it takes 4-5 hours, they delay and thinking how to earn more money .
We go here 10.30 and finished works at 3.45 .
I came back home at 6 pm with my mom and other , Mom , lopa,Shan, Sara and others allso go to Sherajdekhan Sub-registry office like the same works what we have done  

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