Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Case Stady Anchoring , one kind of Business negotiation

Key Point :

Anchoring is a tactics of negotiation which are widely use in selling premium branded automobile products. Seller use anchoring tactics for the customer and using this tactics people are bias to purchase the products , Using anchoring seller also make a big margin and buyer also happy to fill that they are purchase the products with a big deal.

Automobile Manufacture sell their almost brand new cards to the customer, priced 15-20 percent less then the then brand new car which is the implementation of anchoring tactics.

This is a collaborative or interest – base negotiation which are figuring out both parties interest and this is a win- win situation for the both parties. Purchasing a nearly brand new car with 20 percent less, buyer are highly satisfied and felling that this is a great deal, on the other hand supplier are also happy that they make decent margin.

For anchoring the negotiation we have to price the table first , the price is more then the actual value , after some negotiation other party may accept the deal , they are fill better that they get a huge discount and we are pleased we also get our margin.


This is a tactics which make the negotiation easier and can easily make a deal with buyer and supplier

Buyer came to table with a maximum price which are their walk a way points.

Seller came to table with the minimum selling price , this is also the walk a way point for seller.

Both parties are try to negotiate the price and other condition , after they relived to get just enough , they may make the contract.

This is collaborative negotiation , both parties work together to try or find our an outcome which meet the clearly stated need of both parties as far as possible. This facilitates learning , generates more creative options and encourages trust.

Reflection :

This is very relevant to understand the negotiation process, buyer and seller level of satisfaction commitment and conclusion .

This is illustrate the negotiation process of high value premium brand brand new and used but almost brand new automobile.

This is a perfect example of collaborative or interest-based negotiation where customer satisfaction are also important issue.

This is highly integrated procurement procedure where buyer and seller are gain their objectives.

Model form contracts

Model form contracts are published by third party experts incorporating standard practice in contracting for specific purposes within specific industries and ensuring a fair balance of contractual rights and responsibilities for buyer and seller. The most common model form contracts are used in the construction and engineering industries, but other industries - such as logistics and facilities management - are also beginning to develop them. Here are some examples. CIPS has published a range of model form contracts and contract clauses, which members are licensed to use in support of their employment  

  • Helps reduce time and costs of contract development 
  • Avoids 'reinventing the wheel' - but can be adapted to suit particular circumstances
  • Industry model forms are widely accepted, reducing negotiation time and costs 
  • Designed to be fair to both parties 

  • Terms may not be as advantageous to a powerful buyer as if contract was negotiated 
  • Terms may not include special clauses or requirements to cover the buyer's position 
  • legal advice is still required if significant amendments or variations are to be made 
  • Costs of training buyers to use model forms

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Auckland Vs Dhaka

Auckland vs Dhaka Climate & Distance Between

  • The distance between Auckland, Albert Park, New Zealand and Dhaka, Bangladesh is approximately 11,076 km or 6,883 mi. 

  • To reach Auckland, Albert Park in this distance one would set out from Dhaka bearing 126.1° or SE and follow the great circles arc to approach Auckland, Albert Park bearing 112.4° or ESE . 

  • Auckland, Albert Park has a marine west coast climate (Cfb) whereas Dhaka has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate with dry winters (Aw). 

  • Auckland, Albert Park is in or near the warm temperate dry forest biome whereas Dhaka is in or near the subtropical moist forest biome. 

  • The average annual temperature is 10.3 °C (18.5°F) cooler. 

  • Average monthly temperatures vary by 0.1 °C (0.2°F) less in Auckland, Albert Park. The continentality subtype is barely hyperoceanic for both.

  • Total annual precipitation averages 620.2 mm (24.4 in) less which is equivalent to 620.2 l/m² (15.22 US gal/ft²) or 6,202,000 l/ha (663,035 US gal/ac) less. About 2/3 as much. 

  • The altitude of the sun at midday is overall 13.8° lower in Auckland, Albert Park than in Dhaka. 

  • Relative humidity levels are 13% higher. 

  • The mean dew point temperature is 6.9°C (12.5°F) lower.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Eid in Auckland , New Zealand

last Sunday( 05/10/14) is Eid day in Auckland , New Zealand . This is my first Eid in New Zealand. Eid is a one of the most important festival for Muslims, In Bangladesh we celebrate it very much. This Eid ( Eid ul Adha) we sacrifice and obedience to All mighty Allah. Every Year I have arrange all kind of preparation and other work for Eid celebration in my home. But this year I am out of my country and every body was missed me in the festival. I am also missing my son and daughter , every time in Eid , they celebrate EID with me , But this year they miss me and can not enjoy the EID. 

My Eid in Auckland start with EID prayer , we have taken EID prayer at Avondale Community center organizes by the Bangladeshi association of New Zealand, The association arrange some sweet meet (Jelapy & kalojam) cake and balloon for the participator and children. There are also arrangement for woman here to perform the prayer. I enjoy the prayer and the environments. With a lot of Bangladeshi , another countries Muslim also atten the prayer of EID. After that We ( Shahin , Arif and Me ) came home and take some food.  Around 10 am we want to Mortuza Vai house to meet with them in the EID day , here we also take some food and go out for meet the other people . This is a nice journey and at 12 pm we reached home. The Eid may end at this time because after that we are in house and at evening go our to outside for nothing. At 9 pm I came back from outside and sleep at 12 am  with the  dissatisfaction of missing Bangladeshi EID. 

This EID day was very gorgeous in Bangladesh , we all of friends celebrate it very much, Here i have nostalgia for my friends , Bangladesh and my culture .

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Shan and Sara

Now I am in Auckland , but my heart is in Fatullah , Bangladesh. By two babies live here , they stay with their mother, They are in safe place . There fore they are not happy with this current status. After there born both Shan and Sara do not stay alone with out me , If I was out of house for one day they call me and ask for coming home , But Last 35 days I am a long long far from them . Now it is not so easy for me to meet them .It take 14 Hour air journey to meet them. This time it is not possible for me to  go to Bangladesh for meet them , I came here for the butter future for them. So  they have to face some difficulty . After the night , sun will came again. They might be beneficial with the sacrifice of their father

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Article Review - Managing contract and relationship

Harley-Davidson is a legendary motorcycle preparing company of USA. After teetering the brink of Bankruptcy in the year 1989s Harley roared through the 90s with a rejuvenated brand. During this period of sales and production growth, Harley developed incompatible business practice and IT system in different parts of the company. Now Harley is a financially strong company where last year revenue rose 13% to $ 4.6 billion, net income was $761 .

Harley is completion a project began more then two years ago, that it web portal. But it is not only a portal,this is the major key of Harley procurement and supply chain and its developed. Using this portal nearly 300 suppliers of Harley can view the receiving inventory, replenishment altars, shipment notice , performance and financial status. It automated inventory -replenishment process , notice and altars more faster and cheaper then ever before. Inventory management is the process of efficiently overseeing the constant flow of units into and out of an existing inventory. There fore using the portal Harley is getting the full benefit of inventory management and achieving their annual growth rate. With the use of the EDI -based invoice system , supplier paid their payment within seven days of submitting of a invoice . Supplier of Harley also can manage the payable and revealable amount from the portal . This is a financial benefit of supplier. This is a commercial relationship with supplier and Harley-Davidson , Supplier give more 1% extra benefit for quick payment system. This is a cost benefit of Harley.

In the context of relationship management , Harley play a vital roll in the manage of its suppliers. To cut production cost Harley used different Invoice , schedules and business procedure for each of its main factories. Mark Dickson , senior system manager says : So we put in place a set of tools suppliers can view to consolidate requirements. Thus Harley's relationship management help them to make profit. Harley-Davidson also very much aware about the risk management , to face the risk they have implement the MRP system which can help them to minimize the risk of business. Harley's success depend on cutting cost in supply chain , according to analysis who track the company stock.

Using the portal system they can analysis data , make forecast , cutting inventory , distribution and process cost and making revenue day by day . In the view of equity firm analyst , Bryan Knoepp “ They ( Harley's) use many unique process in their supply chain ''. Harley's is working with longtime suppliers to hit annual goals of lower costs , consistent quality , improve delivery performance and continue investment in new technology . This portal is making goals and Harley's want to setup this kind of portal for all factories. By the using of portal Harley's ensuring commercial relationship, cash benefit, risk management and longterm contract with his supplier , on the other hand making low cost product,consistent quality product and good service to its customer,

Friday, September 5, 2014

Sourcing in procurement and supply - CIPS, at NZCC

Now I taking preparation for my class exam. Today I have read some important definition in  chapter 5- Financial appraisal of suppliers ,  They are following

Assets : An assets is something which is owned by the  business and  use for achieving the business objective .

Liability : Liability is a sum owned by the business to outsiders ( eg amount owning the trade and outstanding load , overdraft , tax and wages.)

Income or revenue : this is the amount earned by the organization .
 eg  from sales,  interest of deposit , dividend of investment

Expenditure : The amount spend by the organization . 

Assets = Fixed assets + current assets

Net Current assets =  Total current assets - total current liability

Turnover : Turnover means what amount of good sold during  the year, whether or not the cash was actually received during the year. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Sara , My little mom

For the higher education and better future I leaved Dhaka at 11/ 08/2014. Now I am Auckland and here study " Procurement and supply " . Half of my family and I am now in  Auckland, But my heart is in Bangladesh , where my Son and daughter live in. Not a single second I can forget them. Every time when I take food, take drink or prayer time Shan and Sara is in my mind. It is very difficult to live with out them. I came here for their better future, but now it is also very hard for me to live here with out them . May Allah bless them , keep safe and give the power so that they can live with out their father. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Aquarium , Auckland

There is some picture of Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Aquarium , Auckland , New Zealand. Last Thursday we all friend of NZCC , CIPS visit the place

Sunday, August 24, 2014

xubuntu - My linux distro in Auckland, New Zealand

For my personal use I need one PC in Auckland , There is Laptop and Tab is available in my home but I am use to with desktop PC. Therefore I have repair old 865 motherboard base PC , Install Xubuntu 14  as a light weight destro and using it this PC for my personal use . I am happy with the performance of the PC . there is the skin-shoot of my Desktop PC.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

NZCC - student life of Auckland

Now I am a international student  of Procurement and Supply  of  New Zealand Career Collage , Auckland , New Zealand. I am attended in the class every day , Here we have 4 working days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday is closed . Class start from 9.30 am to 12.00 am then 1 hour break . After that we again start at 1 to 3.30 pm . This is digital, multimedia class room ,  Our teacher teach us with power point presentation in computer. But he give is printed copy of the lecture. Some time he watch video from you tube.  We have to do home works in home. after 1 weeks we may have to set for exam. Life is not so easy here , Study and work together is too much taff. But we have to work hard for  butter life .

Thursday, August 14, 2014




Saturday, August 2, 2014

FedEx , FedEx and FedEx

This is my bad luck that FedEx fail to collect my documents for last 2 days. I need a pick up from Bendra East , Mumbai , India . It is a very important documents for me and I need this as soon as possible . At 31 July I want to FexEx , Naranyanganj branch to book the order . I am waiting for 7.40 and at 8.20 some one of FedEx personal came , but he has no key of the office and heltold me that they do not have scanner to scan my authorization letter. I know that kind of situation may happened and for the handle the matter , I have carrying a scan copy of the letter in my pen drive , But after a long try , the fedEx man told me that he need more the one hour to open the office , the person who carry the key is enjoying Eid Holy day at Sasur Bari , So anther person who have backup key , need time to came at office . He suggest me to go Mothijheel  branch. It was a nice decssion and I start for Dhaka. At Mothijheel office I have done every thing and request them to collect the parcel  today from 12 to 14 hour. It was my assumption that than can handle the matter and collecrt the document today ( 31/07/2014) but they fail and as I know it was not eney pick up taday ( 1/08/14)

For this document I have to face a lot of problems and I am suffering a lots. This was a very small task for FexEx , they are working whole world , so a email can solved my problems . But I am sorry to say that they fail and fail .

Last of all , I mail the FedEx , India , they reply me and told me that they are trying for pickup , where Bangladeshi FedEx unable to inform me any update of the documents,

So why they are working for , whey they are fail their commitments .........why we losing our time and money

Sunday, July 27, 2014