Monday, June 30, 2014

FIFA world Cup 2014 , Brazil update

I have very much disappointed after the last night match of FIFA world cup 2014. I was a neutral supporter in the game and watch the game till 91 minuets , but after the penalty shoot against the Mexico , I have stop  TV. Foot ball is a fantastic game and I live it very much . But if at lost time referee give penalty shoot , this means that the one team is out of play. This is happened with Mexico . Netherlands was playing well and they are very close to goals . But due to strong defense and goalkeeper better performance , they are unable to make goals. on the other land Mexico had given 1 goals at 53 minutes.  In this stage Netherlands give one goals at 87 minutes and trying to another goals. But Referee give the goals and make them winner in the 2 round knock out match . To day there are two match in the tournaments , France VS Nigeria at 10 pm BDT and Germany Vs Algeria at 2 am BDT . I am waiting for the match , I with I will watch the matches.

Next day is the last day of 2nd round match , that day Argentina will play against Switzerland  and Belgium will play with USA . after this matches semi final match will be start.

Wait and see...........what will be happened    

Monday, June 23, 2014

FIFA World Cup 2014 , Brazil , Our football dilemma

Our football dilemma  .............

Picture taken from -

Distribution meeting , June 2014

We have arrange your half yearly Distribution meeting at roof top conference room  Bel Tower . Now our office also 6th floor in this building. BEL ( Beximco Engineering Limited ) Tower is one of the beautiful building of Dhanmondi area. It has 14 floor and roof top conference room and garden. There are excellent decoration in the conference room . we arrange  with the support of Nazim Vai . He provide us all foods, table, cloth other supported items for the meeting. I have haired sound system from Toranga sound . Every things was perfect. food was wonderful , there was 15 buffet menu for lunch.every one enjoy the food and the meeting . we are also happy to arrange the meeting in our won building.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

FIFA World Cup 2014 , Brazil update

Today's match summary

Argentina - 01 , Iran - 00

Germany - 02 , Ghana - 00

Nigeria - 01 ,  Bosnia 00

I have seen 1st two match ..............till 3 am night .....
Due to Office , try for sleep after  2nd match.

Monday, June 16, 2014

World Cup 2014 preview

The greatest event of the world is FIFA world cup tournament and  it is began at 12 June , Brazil. The football lover are  waiting for this festival as a fan of football I am also waiting for FIFA world Cup.
First match was Brazil and Croatia. Match time was 2 am in our time  and we all are waiting for the magic of football. But after see the match every body are unpleased and frustrated. We love Football but the footballer does not love us . they try to won the match not won the heart of fans. last night we observed the match of Argentina and Bosnia . Same thing happened and  we are not happy to see the match , Brazil and Argentina both are disappointed us and we are waiting for better football .

Sunday, June 15, 2014

FIFA World Cup - 2014, Brazil . Updated result

Thursday, June 12, 2014

3 - 1

Friday, June 13, 2014

3 - 1

1 - 0

1 - 5

Saturday, June 14, 2014

3 - 0

1 - 2

1 - 3
Costa Rica

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Côte d'Ivoire
2 - 1

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Waiting for a signal for a better life

         For last few days I am working a lot for the implement of my dream. My dream is to make a bright future of my child. In Bangladesh it is very difficult for anyone to make a better environment. Here we are just living and spending time with time machine. I am not working in the top level management of my company. For better and higher career I furthermore need higher education and if this higher education form first world, it may help me to build my future. I am trying my best for higher education, from last 4 years I am saving money for the tuition fee and others expenses. I have practicing English everyday and making me up to date for the 21st century education. It is now easier for me to arrange all the things. I have no helping hands and all things have done by me. From every corner, collect English version Transcript to police clearance certificate I have to works hard. After long 2 month preparation I have done everything’s as my requirements. I have done my duty and now waiting for the signal for the authority. If they give me the chance for build my career, this may the highest scope for my future. I am 38 years now and there are no more avenues for me to build career. Therefore I need a good luck and help from almighty Allah.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose

Glad to introduce myself as Mohammad Yeasin Akan, Senior Distribution Officer, Beximco pharmaceutical ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh. I have 17 year experience in sales and distribution. I am old yet but sill energetic, self motivated, honest, loyal to work and curious for learning. I have a sharp knowledge in IT; I have done A+ hardware certificate course. I am a volunteer of foundation for open source solutions and familiar with Linux and other open source software. I am an amateur photographer. I have uploaded more than 1000 royalty free picture at .I shall express myself in blogs

In 1995 I have finished my Bachelor of Science ( B.Sc) degree though the result was published in 1996. In the year 1997, I have appointed as Medical Representative in Beximco Infusions ltd and now I am working as Senior Distribution officer of Beximco.

From my corporate life experience I have realized that I badly need higher study to reach at the top position of any organization. Now this is a great opportunity for me to build my career with the course “DIPLOMA IN PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY (LEVEL 7)” In New Zealand Career College (NZCC) at Auckland, New Zealand.

Working as a Distribution officer this subject is very practical with my daily works and with this 11 year experience it will easier for me to complete this level-7 course. The Head of Distribution of Beximco has approved me one year leave for higher education in NZCC , New Zealand.

After finishing the education I shall join my current job and therefore the management may consider me for their next available scope. Having this highly recognized New Zealand level 7 degree, there will be a lot of avenue for me to build my career in Bangladesh as well as anywhere in the world.

Sincerely your

Mohammad Yeasin Akan