Tuesday, April 29, 2014

FIFA World Cup- 2014 , BRAZIL , Fixture with Bangladeshi Time

Here you can found the 
FIFA World Cup- 2014 , BRAZIL , Fixture with Bangladeshi Time 
Design and time edited by Yeasin Akan

Rana-plaza - The daily star special edition

This is a very very deep sorrow for me to wright somthing about the  accident of Rana-Plaza. This the the incident which we lost a lot of people who works for Bangladesh development , I have nothing to say , just click the link , there is a excellent article in the daily star .This article may fulfill your all questioning

All credit goes to Rana-plaza  - The daily star

Monday, April 28, 2014

FIFA World Cup 2014 - Brazil

This information collect from Internet

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Climate change of Bangladesh

    We live in Bangladesh which is the most effected country of global worming , Due to the global worming and climate change we are losing your environment habit , temperature and living place. Today temparature of Dhaka is 39 degree which is much more higher from Dhaka's normal situation.
All of population of Dhaka burn out with hit and humidity. This is unbearable condition , we can not sleep at night . No rain, not cold air, no comfort. Our weather department also not giving us any good news for the situation . what we can do now, thinking and thinking.    

At this stage we are waiting for the help of Allah , If Almighty Allah give rain the the situation can be changed and we may relief for the hit stoke . we are praying to Allah for helping us and solved the currently suffering problems. 

BBC weather link 

For more information about Dhaka temperature you can click the following link 



Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lakhan Da - My Ostad

My greatest Ostad ( teacher) of Guitar , Electronics , Culture and Behavior.
Here is Image of A great man who lead me to be a man..............in all respect
 Lakhan Da at his Business unit .. Narayanganj
This is my pleasure to say that I have taken this picture ,
When I was school student we start learning Haiwian Guitar from Lakhan Da , From that time ( 1989) he is good adviser and a guardian of me . We are well connected till now for not only learning but for everything

Monday, April 7, 2014

T20 cricket final match review

T20 cricket tournament has been finished , Sri Lanka team has wash out India and take the maiden t20 world cup to their home . I am a great fan of Cricket and love the power of cricket . My favorite player is Cress Gayle of West indies.
I was at the Stadium at 1st semifinal of T20 , watch the match ,but rain as the best player of the match and due to rain my team loss the game.
At final match India face Sri Lanka , both are strong in all line up balling , batting and fielding . In the game Sri Lanka ball first and take chance for chess the run . They are perfect in planing and according to the game plan they are take control of the game by fantastic boiling. India is the best batting team of the tournament but In this game they does not shows their performance as they did before . the Total run is so poor Sri Lanka cross the border with out any hardship ................  

And the result is Sri Lanka defect India by 6 wicket .............

Thursday, April 3, 2014

T 20 semi final match at Mirpur Stadium

Sri Lanka
7:00 PM BDT
West Indies

This is the fixture of today match.......If there is no any big problems I may atten in the stadium to watch the match ................
I am a great fan of West Indies but I am also a good supporter of Sri Lanka ........
I thinks this game will be a attractive match.........here Gayle, Summy , Sunil , Malinga , Chandimal will show their best performance in the match