Thursday, March 27, 2014

IELTS Preparation

I may need a good score in IELTS exam , there fore I am reading for a long time . But it seen that this exam is difficult for me and I am afraid of take part in the exam. I am trying to concentrate my aim but due to unusual reason I am can not. This is not as taff as I can not , there for I have given more hard exam like H.S.C, S.S.C and B.Sc . Due to lack of dedication , ambition and preparation I am not attending the examination. I have to take a decisions for my future ...It is very much important for me

Saturday, March 22, 2014

ICC T20 world Cup today match

England Vs Sri Lanka
6.30 Bangladesh time 

Living City Ranking - "mercer"-2014

As per the data from Vienna , Austria is the best cilty of 2014 for living. the list is follow by Zurich, Switzerland. Auckland , New Zealand. Munich ,Germany and Vancouver , Canada
Analyzing 39 factors of the whole City of the world Mercer ranked 223 city based of the data of living quality. Unfortunately I have to told that Dhaka , Bangladesh where we live in the 2nd lowest City of Asia of the list . This means that where we are living now ( Dhaka ) is not a living place. The world ranking of Dhaka 208 out of 223. Baghdad where man are killing with in the minutes are 1st at the lowest ranking . Al lowest city are African country like Bangui, Sanna, N'Djamena , Brazzaville .

From this date it is clear that we are living Dhaka the most poulated  city of the world , In Dhaka you may need 1 hour to go 1 km at office hour , No electricity for whole day , No security for life and no transport for your communication .We have to work for change it . We need to change the whole country .

For more information please click the link

All data collect from

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Beautyfull graphic of social media

Here is some graphic of social media.

All of this collect from Internet , this is free and you can use it

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Mohammad Yeasin Akan

Certificate of Mohammad Yeasin Akan