Monday, December 24, 2012

Tungi Para tour

Last Friday ( 21/12/12) I have visit  Tungi Para , Golalgonj for see the grave yard of Sheikh. Mujibur Rahman , the first President of Bangladesh, Father of current Prime minister,  the father of the nation. This was a very fantastic tour , there are  a lot of problems arrived  and we have  solved all of the problems. We have hired a micro bus for the tour , we want to start from Burigonga bridge at 7.30 am , but we could not . we start at 8.30 from Noton Rasta ( equriea ) to Mawa ferry Ghat , we also pick other participant from Alam Pur . we reached Mawa ferry Ghat at 10.30 . There are too many rush in the ferry Ghat and we have to need more then 3 hour to go to the Kawrakandi , opposite  of the ferry ghat . If we use the ferry , it is very difficult to return back Dhaka within the day. there for we have changed the plan , left the car , cross the river Padma with Speed boad . This is a very very adventurous journey, Speed boat take only 20 to go to Kawrakandi. Around 11 we have reached other side of the river Padma, kawrakandi,Faridpur District. Then we take some light food and hire another micro bus for the tour. 

This was a journey of 100 km , road is fine and there was no jam or  signal like Dhaka. We reached Tungi Para at 1.35 pm . The Grave yard of Banghabandhu is a very big complex. this is very nice , locative and highly organized . There is a very beautiful water fall here , grave yard building is also very acoustic and unique one . there is a Masque and a library in the complex. beautiful flower garden and land scape natural view of the complex may stick every one heart . we pray fatiha in the grave of Banghabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

we ware start again at 3.30 pm , we have not yet taken lunch , so every body was hungry and hurry for taken lunch. we reached Kawrakandi Ferry Ghat at 5 pm ,take lunch with Hilsa fry , vegetable , kaski mach. we have think that Hilsa fish may frash and very testy here , but this was not true , this was ordinary frozen Hilsa fish, not testy not smiley. we are fully foolish after eaten the fish. the dark in knocking us because have to cross the river Padma . Then we hire a another Speed boat , the driver was very young , it is very risky to cross the river speed boat at night. If any accident occur it may be life threatening , we also fill it because boat is bumping. driver drive the boad in very high speed , we overtake 7 another speed boat. with the bless of almighty Allah , we reached Mawa ferry Ghat around 6 pm . we all take tea in the Mawa ferry Ghat and say bye to other. My friend Sirajul Islam Tapu and I was the passenger of Dhaka . So we stay Mawa ferry Ghat for bus to go to Dhaka. Sirajul Islam Tapu is my primary school friend , he live is Milano, Italy. he was the organizer and all financial contributor of the tour. even he do not give me any chance to share any money for the tour. We all ( 10 person ) is highly congratulated him for this tour. he leave  Dhaka at December 22 and now in Italy with his family.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Chapai Nabangonj Tour

I start my job life in Rajshahi Division in the year 1997. I was  Medical representation of BIL ( Beximco Infusions LTD) who have to caver a very big area of Rajshahi and Chapai Nababgonj. Every week I have to tour around 500 Km with my bike. This was a very challenging job , have to convince Doctors, chemist , boss , office. We enjoy the challenge very much. I have a very very close colleague Ranjan Kumar Das Gupta who also my teem meat and training mate roommate . we both are start form Dhaka office to Rajshahi. This is so big part of my live that I can now express in one secession.
After the year 2000, I do not  get opportunity to visit my first working area . But at last week one opportunity came to  me . it was very difficult to travel though I made it with the help of Lopa.
This was a program of Foundation of open source software , Bangladesh ( FOSS.BD) at Shibgonj thana of Chapai Nababgonj. Ring Vai , Sharif and me start from Dhaka with a Shamoly Bus from Kallanpur Bus counter at 11.30 pm . we reached Chapai sadar at 6.30 am then take breakfast and start for Shibgonj....

to be continue   

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Visit of our Tangail Depot

Last thus day we have visited out Tangail depot , Tangail is one of our big depot and its targer share is also high. I have start this depot with the depot in charge Mizan vai. Now we have to change the office building due to space shortage . We need at least 6000 sq. feet space for this type of depot . Land lord has some problems so he is unable to give us more space in this current building , there fore we visit Tangail for choice a new office building .

 picture of our proposed depot office .

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lalpur Fashion knit

Lalpur fashion knit is my dream , With a lots of efforts and hard work I am continue this projects. This was a poor industry and we purchase it for develop its. there was a plan to purchase another machine and run it with a huge production. But we are facing problems and problems. First we have to encounter with one of my partner , with a miss communication he go our from then factory. Then we the other 2 partner are running the Industry. We are trying to purchase new machine and develop it , but my partner shows a slow responds . He is delaying the matter and we are going down. At this April he bought 2 machine , this was a good machine and we are working well. there fore ones open a time I have informed that I am losing money from the factory due to my partners illegal business. Then I set up some people to fix this problems . The problems has been solved but another one is created. ...............

to be continue..........  

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Eid Mubarak

Eid ul Azha has hold on 27 September , 2012 . we celebrate the occasion with the respect and honor. At early morning we woke up, wash and clean the cow which is purchase for Korbani, then take bath and go for EID prayer . After returning from Musjid we prepare ourself for slathered the cow. At around 4 pm every things has been completed and i go bed to take rest . I was very much tried and take around 3 hour rest. then woke up and go for dinner . there was a dinner party for me in my mother in law house and I attend the party. At 9 pm I go to my factory to observed the machine . Every things was ok , I also carry beef for operator of factory , i distribute the beef to them and at 10 pm came back home. I was pleased to Allah because we have done every things perfectly.
At night we was watching TV programs. There was a lot of programs in TV channels but for advertising of channels and other products , it is not possible to completely see any programs.

I have to go to sleep at 1 am . there was pain in hole of my body ,this is why I am facing problems for sleep but i dont known when I became sleepy . Sun day also holiday so I was in bed till 9 pm .....
Then start a another lazy holiday.............

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ubuntu 12.10 release party

The User of Ubuntu has arrange a release party of its 12.10 version . We have been working for a long time to make the programs successful , specially I have to maintain the name of  "Ashickur Rahman Noor " . Absence of Ring vai , noor vai is the key person of the arrangment and he score 10 of 10 . Every things was perfect and beautiful . The place of the programs in Daffodil University date was 19/10/12. I was late and reached at 4.10 pm , the programs has start and cake also cut at due time . I was assigned as the official photographer and after reached here start taking picture .

I have very surprised when see Ring Vai , as I known he was in India for treatment and he came after complite his treatment . There fore he was so crazy for program that he fly Dhaka from Kallkata. We all enjoy his presence in the release party. there was some presentation for the new release. 

 Aniruddha Adhikary  present a very nice presentation on Ubuntu....

Hasin HayderHasin Hayder  also came in the party.

there was also a movie played here which was made using the" Blander" software with Ubuntu.

we enjoy the party with a 4 Kg cake ..........

Thursday, October 4, 2012

New machine for Lalpur Fashion Knit

We have purchase another 4 circular knitting machine for Lalpur Fashion knit. Our previous status we 6 circular knitting machine  . Now we have update our machine , recently we install another 4 which is big dia and high RMP machine . the now machine profile details is following

This 4 machine are  Rib / Interlock  with 100 % Lycra

Dia = 34 , Gage : 18 and 24 , Fider :  68 , 100 % Lycra ,  Brand : Masa , Origin : Taiwan  Year :2004

Dia = 36 , Gage : 18 and 24 , Fider :  72 , 100 % Lycra ,  Brand : Masa , Origin : Taiwan  Year : 2004

Dia = 38 , Gage : 18 and 24 , Fider :  76 , 100 % Lycra ,  Brand : Masa , Origin : Taiwan  Year : 2004

Dia = 36 , Gage : 16 and 24 , Fider :  72 , 100 % Lycra ,  Brand : Unitex ,Origin : Taiwan

We are installing it for last 2 days . Monday whole night I was in Lalpur Fashion , work for setup the machine . this today we have ready 36 and 34 dia machine for running . With the help of all mighty Allah we may go to production tonight with 36 dia machine.
Picture and other details will update soon.......
For datails plese visit

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wrighting module of IELTS.

Here is one sample  of writing module  ( Task one )

Leisure time in a typical week  : by sex ad employment status , 1998-99

The demonist Colum graph provide the information about leisure hour enjoyed by ladies and gents of different employment categorized. As it is present different employment of male and female enjoyed different leisure hour.
According to Colum graph employed full time male utilized almost forty five hour where as female utilized below forty hour. Employed part time ladies use forty four as leisure tome, no figure provided for gents. However unemployed and retried both male and female enjoy more leisure hour then other employed status. Lastly housewife and enjoyed forty five hour, there is no figure given for male.
In consolation it is clear from graph more male then female utilized leisure hour except employee and house wife.

Monday, September 3, 2012

I am facing some problems

For last few days I am in some treble  and can not fix up it , I shall try my best to fix but other party want to not fix it . This is why i have to take a hard decision and I have to done it . It was my dream to make a beautiful factory and I have try to build it . It was done by us , After 3 month one of my partner make some problems and he go out from the organization.

We are in loss but factory is going on , we are trying to  make it profitable , we are working working and working. I see some solution and try to use it . It make some problems of my other partner so he also want to go out from the Factory . We invest 20 lac for the factory , give another 2 lac for running capital but can not earn anything . No body want to take risk , the risk is mine , I have to take the loss the Factory .
I am ready for every thing , I need some support and I am looking for a person who will work for me . 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Eid Mubarak

Hi all , Eid Mubarak to you all, We Muslim are going to enjoy their biggest festival  Eid ul Fiter . To day is EID . After 30 days of Ramadan  Eid came to us and Allah give us permission to celebrate the EID. We arrange good food for this day , take Eid prayer and meet every body .
Everybody try to purchase new dress for his family and relative . we try to give gift to friends and family and also for poor people . We give Jakat , Fitra to poor people so that they can enjoy the Eid .
EID MUBARAK to you all

May you enjoy the eid with your friends and family .....

Friday, August 17, 2012

Eid Mubarak

Hi all Eid Mubaruk to you. May you enjoy the Eid

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Iftar party at my office

We have arrange a Iftar party in our office at July 30, 2012 . It was a very big party , there are 350 persons invited in the programs . We have also arrange packet dinner for 450 person . The menu was fantastic
The menus  are
1. Lamon and Tang Sarbat
2. Khajur
3. Jelapi
4. Peazu
5. Alor chop
6. Baguni
7. Crispy Strips( Chicken)
8. Mori
9. Sola
11.Cold bottle Water
12. Halim
This is picture of Iftar  plate .

There are Dinner packet for 450 person. Each dinner contain around 1 kg Khasir berani with labu and sosa.

We also serve dinner for our officer and guest, This was a very exciting menu. here we serve maton berani ,chicken zall fry and mixed salad . 

there are some picture of Iftar party.

Alor Chop
Dinner packet

Iftar plate is prepairing ........

people are waiting for Iftar
people are waiting for Iftar
people are waiting for Iftar

Our guest and Salauddin Sir
Our very very special guest - Nazmul Hasan Papon ( MP and only son of President of Bangladesh ) Satu Vai ( Son in Law of our Prime Minister ) and our respected Zakaria  Chowdhury

Friday, July 20, 2012

Humayun Sir - The daily Star report

I collect this from Bangladeshi news paper The Daily Star

The lights go out

Humayun Ahmed (1948-2012)

Photo courtesy: Foisal Masum
Popular writer Humayun Ahmed is no more. Aged 64, he died while undergoing treatment for cancer at a New York hospital last night.
His wife Meher Afroz Shaon and younger brother Professor Muhammed Zafar Iqbal, a reputed writer himself, were present when he breathed his last at Manhattan's Bellevue Hospital at around 11:20pm Bangladesh time.
The eldest among three brothers and two sisters, Humayun was also a renowned filmmaker and dramatist. He went to New York on September 14 last year after being diagnosed with colon cancer during a routine check-up in Singapore.
He had received chemotherapy in 12 cycles at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York before he returned to Bangladesh on May 11 to spend time with friends and relatives for 20 days.
Back in New York, he underwent two surgeries last month. After the second surgery, he was infected with a virus unknown to the doctors, which spread through the body.
A pall of gloom descended soon after the news streamed into the country and across it.
A former associate professor of the chemistry department of Dhaka University, Humayun came into prominence after the publication of his first novel, Nondito Noroke, in 1974.
President Zillur Rahman, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Leader of the Opposition Khaleda Zia have expressed deep shock at the death of Humayun.
In his condolence message, President Zillur Rahman said the creative works of Humayun Ahmed would remain immortal in Bengali fiction. The president prayed for the eternal peace of the departed soul and conveyed his sympathies to the bereaved family, reported BSS.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said Humayun's death was an irreparable loss to the nation. People will always remember him fondly, the prime minister's special assistant (media) Mahbubul Hoque Shakil quoted her as saying last night.
BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia prayed for the salvation of the departed soul and expressed her deep sympathies for the littérateur's bereaved family members.
Humayun emerged as a powerful voice in Bangladesh's literary world in the early 1970s, eventually becoming clearly the most popular writer of the country.
Nicknamed Kajol, the writer was born in Kutubpur village of Netrakona on November 13, 1948, to Fayzur Rahman Ahmed, a police officer, and Ayesha Fayzur. His father, who was also a writer, was murdered by the Pakistan occupation army and its local collaborators during the Liberation War in 1971.
Another brother of Humayun Ahmed, Ahsan Habib, is a painter and editor of Unmad, a cartoon magazine.
Humayun married Gultekin, granddaughter of Principal Ibrahim Khan, in 1973. The couple divorced in 2003, with the writer subsequently marrying television actress Shaon.
Humayun had his schooling in Sylhet, Comilla, Chittagong, Dinajpur and Bogra owing to his father's postings in these towns. He passed the School Certificate examination as a student of Bogra Zilla School.
A few months ago, Humayun Ahmed was appointed special adviser to the Bangladesh permanent mission at the United Nations by the government.
He continued writing during his stay in New York for cancer treatment.
Humayun retired as a Dhaka University teacher in the mid-1990s to devote himself to writing and making films and television dramas.
His first film, "Aguner Parashmoni", based on the Liberation War, won the National Film Award in eight categories, including Best Picture and Best Director.
Humayun won the Bangla Academy Award in 1981 and the Ekushey Padak in 1994. His first award was Lekhak Shibir Prize in 1973.
(Earlier report on Arts and Entertainment)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rainy Day

Last two days this is raining , raining and raining .....
We can not go out for raining
we can not go market for raining
some one can not go our from home for raining
Somebody can not make dating for raining
Student missing school for raining

Everybody is missing something for raining

But everybody love Raining   
So we can not want  to stop the raining .....

We love raining raining and raining

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lalpur Fashion Knit

My Factory name is Lalpur Fashion Knit , this is not only my factory but this is my dream and one very important part of my life . For last 2 year I am spending my time and money for Lalpur Fashion but I did not get anythings. I have believed that  every things are running well . This was not fact and some body has been taken profit from this. When I am taken necessary action to correct this error some body are not coo operated . This is why I am in hardship, removing all the problems and trying to develop my dream. 

Lalpur Fashion is a small factory , It has 6 circular Knitting machine , there are 20, 22, 30, 32,34 and 36 Dia machine in my Factory. We can make all kind knit fabrics with this machine . Location of Lalpur Fashion is very suitable , It is beside the main road of BSCIC , Panchobati , Narayangonj.

Late Md. Salauddin Miah, My maternal uncle and Father in law, entrepreneur of Lalour Fashion.

Lalpur Fashion Knit has its own 40 KV electricity line , It has Swan brand Air composure and Automatic voltage stabilizer. Our Knitting machine are directly imported from JIUNN LONG , Tawin, 

There is the details of Lalpur Fashion Knit 

Lalpur Fashion knit

100% export oriented knit factory

BSCIC Hosiery Industrial Estate, 
Plot: B-6, Enayet Nagar, Fatulla , Narayangonj, 

Mobile:  01675251374, 01917763995, 01681866777,
                                            01677225717, 01674791168

DIA       GAUGE         TYPE                     BRAND               ORIGIN   

20’’        18G, 22G     Rib/Interlock           JIUNN LONG       TAIWAN 
22’’        18G              Rib/Interlock           MAYER & CIE      GERMANY
32’’        18G              Rib/Interlock           SANTEC              CHINA  
34’’        18G              Rib/Interlock           SANTEC              CHINA
36’’    18,22,24G        Rib/Interlock           JIUNN LONG        TAIWAN 
30’’    18,20,24,28G   Flec/S. Jersey        JIUNN LONG        TAIWAN 


Monday, July 2, 2012

Dhaka - Barisal - Patuakhali-Dhaka

Baitul Aman Jame Masjid , Changuria, Uzirpur , Barisa

 Baitul Aman Jame Masjid Pound , Changuria, Uzirpur , Barisal
 Baitul Aman Jame Masjid gate , Changuria, Uzirpur , Barisal
 Kadam phol of Durga sagar.
 Durga sagar.
 I am in Durga sagar.
 Durga sagar.
 Amra , Barisal ar Amra .......
 Baitul Aman Jame Masjid gate , Changuria, Uzirpur , Barisal
 Labukhali fari ghat , Patuakhali
 Shahid Miner , Barisal

 Barisal zela parishod pound
 Lanch Ghat , Barisal
 Strimer in Barisal Lanch Ghat
 Lanch in Buriganga river , Sadar ghat , Dhaka
  Baitul Aman Jame Masjid gate , Changuria, Uzirpur , Barisal
 Kalam Khan in Sadar ghat
  Baitul Aman Jame Masjid pound , Changuria, Uzirpur , Barisal
  Baitul Aman Jame Masjid gate , Changuria, Uzirpur , Barisal
  Baitul Aman Jame Masjid gate , Changuria, Uzirpur , Barisal
 Mamun Vai in front of   Baitul Aman Jame Masjid  , Changuria, Uzirpur , Barisal

Sunderban 7

cabin of  Sunderban 7
Ship in Sadar ghat , Dhaka
Small boat in Buriganga river
Head light of Ship.
Barisal Lanch ghat , Morning 6 am
Barisal City
River Labukhali  in Patuakhali  district.

Paruakhali Intersection ................ Four way - Barisal, Burgona, Koyakata , Patuakhali
Paruakhali Intersection ................ Four way - Barisal, Burgona, Koyakata , Patuakhali
Durga sagar ...........
Durga sagar ..........
Durga sagar ..........
  Baitul Aman Jame Masjid pound  , Changuria, Uzirpur , Barisal