Friday, December 30, 2011

Last day ( Thursday ) I go to my village with my dad , this day dad done a very big job , he distribute his land to us . We go to out sub-registry office, stay all day long, and done a very very big works. originally this registration of land is only 30 minutes works , you have to trace out the land , made the change of name , wright it to stamp and then go to sub-register for registration, but due to Dalil lekhok and other Dalal it takes 4-5 hours, they delay and thinking how to earn more money .
We go here 10.30 and finished works at 3.45 .
I came back home at 6 pm with my mom and other , Mom , lopa,Shan, Sara and others allso go to Sherajdekhan Sub-registry office like the same works what we have done  

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Last Friday we go to out native village Laskerpur , where we born , There was a family program and most of our family member are here , all of our cousin who are in Bangladesh was present in the programs , My dad and his brother was also present in this days , I also go with my full family , now my family is quite big , my mom , dad , sara , shan , lopa and me , Mom and dad go to NZ at next week , so may be it is there last visit of lasker pur . I take some picture of my village . we enjoy the days . this may be very excellent if we can stay there , but due to some problems we came back at Fatullah.

here is some picture of my village ......

Monday, December 26, 2011

My old scane picture

This is my old picture , this picture may be taken 25 year before , My grand father and cousin Baby is in middle , i am left and kurban is right. you can see a television in this picture , at that time we also have television and color camera , this picture is taken by my uncle Motaher .I miss our gorgeous younger life

 my brother Shariful Islam Sahin and me in our Lalpur House , where we are presently live in ,

My uncle Bahar, Sister Beauty, shahin and me in Kamal pur , my maternal grand father house ,
Mary chrisms , How are you all , I am fine and well , I am spending a busy time , there are a lot of relatives in Bangladesh now , I have to attain then, My parents are also Bangladesh now , they are came back next week , so I am trying to give them time , Friday we go to our native village , sun day there was a get together in my home , near about 40 members of our family enjoy this programs , we arrange a delicious lunch form them .    

Thursday, December 22, 2011

IELTS test exem question

I am trying to develop my English language skill and taking preparation for IELTS exem. For this reason I am follow   IELTS-Blog , this quistion paper collect from IELTS-Blog. If you want to learn more English this may be a useful tools for you.

IELTS test in Australia – December 2011 (Academic Module)

The following IELTS exam was shared by our kind friend F from Australia (thanks to the contributor!)
Listening test
Section 1. A conversation on the phone between a client and an insurance sales representative.
Section 2. A monologue about solar village.
Section 3. A talk between two students and a teacher about a questionnaire for the food consumers.
Section 4. A monologue on cotton farming and fashion.

Reading test
Passage 1. A research into ways to determine construction problems in roads.
Passage 2. The change of language between past and present.
Passage 3. Various types of marketing policy and their effects.

Writing test
Writing task 1 (a report)
We had to write a report on a chart that depicted the class size of primary and secondary school students in six different countries in 2006 in comparison with the global class size.
Writing task 2 (an essay)
Today food is traveling thousands of kilometers from where it is produced. Is it a positive or a negative trend?
Speaking test
- What’s your name?
- Do you work or study?
- Where are you originally from?
- What kind of food do you like?

Cue card
Talk about a family event you attended, please say:
- When and where did it happen?
- Who was present and what happened?
- How did you feel about the event?

- Who is more important, friends or family?
- When do friends become more important than family?
- What is your opinion about old people who are living without their family?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Picnic spot for year - 2012

this is Swimming poll of Mohammadi gardar , this is a rental picnic spot , for our official picnic spot we visit it ,this is beautiful , super natural and green spot , rent of the spot also chipper - Tk - 35000. There are 4 cottage for change , wash and rest . I like it very much. it has a long playing filed , big  pond and waiting place . you can chose this for your picnic. 
 Swimming Poll
    main entance of the garden
 Big and round pond

This is picture of another spot , This spot name "Nellabethi " this is in Jerabu , Savar , very close to Dhaka.

This is a fantastic spot , very elegant and beautiful. this spot has one big collage , well furniture and high security, Owner of the spot is IFID group , this is also their rest house , it has a mini zoo , there are open beer in a large field , you can see and touch it ,In this picture you can see a house on a big pond . people can go there and see the beauty of the pond , this is round by wake way so you can wake the whole areas .

rent of this spot is tk- 40000.
you can picnic here and enjoy this .

Collage of Neelabethi 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Ares - A new P2P software for you.

Ares is a pair 2 pair file sharing software , with Ares you can share you
your file , download file and do a lot of others things. There are a lot if p2p software available but Ares is a fantastic one , you can use it as a audio , video player and share your personal video and audio to your friends, relatives and others. You can easily download Ares from internet , this is a free software for all , so you no need to purchase this programs. Ares has BitTorrent protocols and ShoutCast radio stations so that one can listion onlone radio from this programs. Ares can give you a high speed download , so you can download a lot of file with a short time , on the other hand for high speed download your internet cost also reduce , there are also another future in this software , Ares may be your own file library, Simply use this software are file are suitable viewable to you , So you can easily find out your inportant and others file . Your file are shown as a library so your works became easier. For downloading Ares click here
For screenshort of the programs clock here
For more information please click hare

you are welcome to Aeres world.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

this is todays picture of SARA

this is a latest picture of sara , this morning when i am dress up for office , sara awake from sleep and calling me to take her. In this time i have my office camara in my pocket and i took this picture .
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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hi friends , how are you all. I am fine , November 10 , my mom and dad came Bangladesh , So i am spending a busy  time now. Last Friday we go to our native village Lashkerput , all day we stay here , Mom want to stay the night ,but due to my dad activities we can not stay here , at 6 pm we start for Fatullah. We have a lot of works in village therefore we can not do any works. we just arrange a Milad Mahfil in Mosjid after the Juma prayer , Dad also sow me some of his land , but we have a lot of works there , Father has a some land in Laskerput  and we want a good arrangement for the land. If we do not make the proper arrangement we may in big treble. we do not want to sale our land , we need to mutation and change the name of its owner .

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Some of my picture.............

Cox's Bazar

This is A picture from my old album of Coxs Bazer tour,this is a fantastic tour , we all friends really enjoy its, we go Coxs Bazar with a Mocro bus , the car was with us for three days , we have an arrangement for guest house but for small accommodation we dont avail this . we rent a hotel where all 9 person stay together . One of our friend who worked in NSI hired hotel and arrange a lunch for us. Munna collect some" MOHUA " from her Barmis friends and drink it .. Due to effect of MOHUA he became " Pankha " but without drinking MOHUA we all are pankha, See the picture , you can understand ..In this picture Munna is stand on my solder.
For more picture please visit

Monday, October 24, 2011

How are you all , I am fine , What about you , weather is fine today , no rain and clear Sky , Sun is shining and give a lot of light and heat .I came office at 9.50 am , not right time but near about office time , if i came before 10 then it is ok. Last night i work till 2 am , i fix my gas stove and try to fix one PC , when it is 1.50 am then i realizes then i have to sleep , so i go to bed and try to sleep .......
But sleep was not enough for me , i also sleep one hour in bus when coming office. Ha ha ha .......

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Enjoy the life: with a big crowd i have came office , i woke up 7 ...

Enjoy the life: with a big crowd i have came office , i woke up 7 ...: with a big crowd i have came office , i woke up 7 am , then play with Sara , take bath , brass teeth , shaved and dress up for office . ar...
with a big crowd i have came office , i woke up 7 am , then play with Sara , take bath , brass teeth , shaved and dress up for office . around 8.15 to 8 .30 I reached bus stops and take a bus for Gulistan , then i have to changed a bus and at 9.40 to 10 am i reached at office ................
this is my daily routine work for reached office ...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I am office and working , Last week i have a lot of invitation and i have to attend all of this intonation,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My picture

This is the picture of my native village. I like to swimming in this river every days 3 to 4 times daily in my childhood. In summer water level goes down and and we can cross the river by walking.
এই কাঠের পুল পার হয়ে আমরা স্কুলে যেতাম ..............

Dhaka has came back in his own face

After the eid holiday Dhaka is now full of jam , over loaded and crowded city now. today is Sunday and the most busy day of the week. It take 2 hour for just 20 kilometer . I reached office at 10.15 am .
This is the actual picture of Dhaka, But last few days due to Eid holiday Dhaka was a fantastic face .   

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Enjoy the life: Picture of my sweet MOM "Sara"

Enjoy the life: Picture of my sweet MOM "Sara": "This is another picture of SARA. She is a great look with cap.This picture is taken by her aunty Mishu. Now she can call her grand father DA..."

Picture of my sweet MOM "Sara"

This is another picture of SARA. She is a great look with cap.This picture is taken by her aunty Mishu. Now she can call her grand father DA.......DA.......DA.....DA....

This is raining and raininggggggggggggg

hi all h r u , I am fine , here is raining and raining ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
we are suffering a heavy rain.............
when i open my windows i only see the rain.........
but i love rain
when I have a change for wet in rain i try to avail it ..............
Last night i go to home want rainy water.............

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Enjoy the life: HI all how are you all

Enjoy the life: HI all how are you all: "Hi we are well come in the rainy days, there are to much raining in Bangladesh , The is rainy season but it seem that there are raining to m..."

HI all how are you all

Hi we are well come in the rainy days, there are to much raining in Bangladesh , The is rainy season but it seem that there are raining to much for this year.I like rain very much and enjoy it , i love to wet in rain , drive in rain and work in rain.................

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Enjoy the life: My Photography - 4

Enjoy the life: My Photography - 4: "This is my photograph............................... I things you will like it."

My Photography - 4

This is my  photograph...............................
I things you will like it.

Dhaka city , A over populated City of the world.

We leave in Dhaka, Our capital is Dhaka , our main city is Dhaka, our heart is Dhaka , we all love Dhaka

All this things is true for Dhaka , but Dhaka is not suitable for life have to wait half hour for a public bus, it take one hour to go from Motijheeel to Dhanmondi , it is one of the most populated city of the world and it is the 3rt polluted city in world ranking....................

In morning I have to start 8 am to go for office and i need 2 hour for 18 KM distance.
There are also a very rush for transport ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
But what to do .............
If you want to live in Dhaka you need to suffer this problems............

There for we also love DHAKA.................

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hortal for caretaker government

To day there is a hortal for 36 hours in Bangladesh for care taker government.
This is not new , this may be 154 hortal for this issues. the present government want to cancel this system, but ones apan a time they are fight a lot for this care taker government , But now they are not interested for care taker governments.
This is Bangladesh, If some one is not suitable for you then you are try to destroy this.............
BNP was not also interested for this care taker , they are also anti of the system when in power. But now BNP is fighting for this issue.

We do not want Hortal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

WE do not want care taker

We Do not want BNL

We do not want AL

We want a beautiful Bangladesh, where your next generation can live in a normal life.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lopa in Chapai Nababgonj

This river is Mohananda , one of the bighest river of Chapai Nababgonj.................................. this is the fast and last tour of lopa in chapai Nababgonj, But i work here from 1997 to 2000 , i know the total this district . this is my first working place ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I start my working life here..............

I have a lot of memorial moment here
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Monday, May 16, 2011

I am in office , working

Hi my friends , how are you , i am fine , now in an in office working in my desk, with the work i am also browsing and checking my email , writing blog . I am very much worry about my future , i do not know my future plane , what i want to do and what will be my next plan, some time i am things to go to NZ to my parents , but it  us not so easy, some time things about do business , but it is very much difficult in Bangladesh, I have start a business in my area, but is is not profitable ....................... 

Monday, April 25, 2011

enjoy the life: One accident wash out all of my plans and program...

enjoy the life: One accident wash out all of my plans and program...: "Like all others days i came in the office and working my usual works, But after one phone call , wash out all of my plans for Lalpur Fashion..."

One accident wash out all of my plans and programs.

Like all others days i came in the office and working my usual works, But after one phone call , wash out all of my plans for Lalpur Fashion Knit.The call was from my brother Fazlul and he inform me that there was a accident in my Factory and all of the neddle of my 36 dai machine are broken. This is a very big loss for me , price of the niddle are around 50000.00 Tk ( Fifty Thousand ) . After a long time Lalpur fashion knit are going to make profit and i make many plan with the profit money. I have a plan to give 10000 Tk to our honorable MD,s family and make other support for them.

however this accident wash out all of plan , now we have to spend money for the bye the niddle for the lalpur fashion knit. This is a great loss for us.
This accident give me a lot of pain...........................................................

we are trying to recover ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
please pray for us..............

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Health care Blog

For Total health care you can visit this blog

Here you can find your necessary products in  suitable price. You can order products from here and find the use full products for you.

 So for more details Visit

enjoy the life: Happy new bangla Year 1418

enjoy the life: Happy new bangla Year 1418: "To day is Pohela Baishekh, The first day of bangla new year. This is a very big festival of Bangali Nation. This day we celebrate with a lot..."

Happy new bangla Year 1418

To day is Pohela Baishekh, The first day of bangla new year. This is a very big festival of Bangali Nation. This day we celebrate with a lot of joys. There is a program called Mosghal Shovazatra . The Charokola institution of Dhaka University arrange the programs. Panta Ealish is the main food desh of the pahila Baishekh. I also came Dhaka University area to attended the programs. I lot of open air concert are performed in Ramna area . We are also arrange the panta ealish for pur office staff. At evening attended the COCACOLA concert in TSC area. At night a came back home with a lot of joy and happiness. 

This is my own design New year Card..................

Monday, April 11, 2011

enjoy the life: I am in office , Working

enjoy the life: I am in office , Working: "This is my office , 1/1/B , Paribagh , Dhaka , near Motalib Plaza, Hatir pool. My office building is not in the picture , that is anothe..."

I am in office , Working

This is my office , 1/1/B , Paribagh , Dhaka , near Motalib Plaza, Hatir pool.
My office building is not in the picture , that is another building , this picture is our Central ware house picture. This is a steal stricture and can be setup another place if needed. Our BPL head office also build up with the same stricture ,  people called BPL head office building as glass building.
Our office time is 9.30am - 6.30pm. We have own kitchen so that we no need to go outside for lunch .
There is a good arrangement for tea and coffee here . We have water filter plant so the we can drink pure drinking water in office.We spend a lot of time in office , people work here form 9 am to till mid night . 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I am in Kamal pur , my mom birth place

This is a branch of river Dhlashori , this picture is taken from Village Kamal pur, my mother village , I have a lot of  moments in this village, yesterday ( 09/04/11 0 i go to kamalpur for our personal work . After see the beauty full water i can not control my emotion, i collect a longi and take bath in the river , this is very interesting  and exciting .

This is is not yesterdays picture , this picture is taken 6 year before. 
But the man ( Yeasin ) is same 
The River is same 
the water is also same.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Daily Bangla Newspaper Address

The Daily Ittefaq <>
The Daily Prothom-Alo <>
The Daily Jugantor <>
The Daily Bhorer Kagoj <>
The Daily Janakantha <>
The Daily Inqilab <>
The Daily Kaler Kantha <>
The Daily Shamokal <>
The Daily Amader Shomoy   <>
The Daily JaiJaidin <>
The Daily Destiny <>
The Daily Manab Zamin <>
The Daily Amar Desh <>
The Daily Naya Diganta <>
The Daily Sangbad <>

Hortal Again

Hortal can again in Bangladesh. In some political and other issue some people ask Hartal to protest their needs.
As like this there was a Hortal for against the new woman roles in Bangladesh. Fazlul Haque Amini Ask for the Hortal. Its seems the there was a very strong protest against the new woman roles.

A lot of maddrasa student came to the read and pekating  for the Hortal.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To day India Vs Pakistan hi voltages match

India Vs Pakistan 2nd semifinal match will be played today . This is a very high voltage match. Match will be played at mohali .
We are also take a lot  of preparation for the match. supporter of India and Pakistan are waiting for the match.

this is the picture of our Fatullah Stadium.

Monday, March 28, 2011

My photography

"Housie '' playing in our official picnic .
The bumper price was TK- 5000.00

Friday, March 25, 2011

this is friday, But I am in office and working 

sing up in Sidetick

I have now sign up in the new side  Sidetick. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

ICC 2011 CRICKET WORLD CUP- Bangladeshi performance

Last days was my holiday and i think is is very nice for me because I can watch Bangladesh- South Africa match in very relax mode. All the thinking are not came to end , Bangladesh perform a very low performance and loss the game in 204 runs. So all the evening is very bad and i does not go out from home.

I hope Bangladesh will understand the week point of the team and take necessary measure for future

Friday, March 18, 2011

My photography

Master SHAN - the young sound mixer.....................................

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This is My Dad , this picture may be taken before 1990, at that time he is in Germany.
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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Beauty of Sonderban....................the biggest  monograv forest of the world -           in my camera

Saturday, March 12, 2011

My new MOM "SARA"

Hi all , H R U , I am fine ,  this is my daughter ( My new mom ) SaRa . She is just 4 month age , She can cry very loudly , smile cutely and detect her mother brother and father .................. Her face is look alike my mother , so she is my new mom.   

Here is Shan and Sara