Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Enjoy the life: with a big crowd i have came office , i woke up 7 ...

Enjoy the life: with a big crowd i have came office , i woke up 7 ...: with a big crowd i have came office , i woke up 7 am , then play with Sara , take bath , brass teeth , shaved and dress up for office . ar...
with a big crowd i have came office , i woke up 7 am , then play with Sara , take bath , brass teeth , shaved and dress up for office . around 8.15 to 8 .30 I reached bus stops and take a bus for Gulistan , then i have to changed a bus and at 9.40 to 10 am i reached at office ................
this is my daily routine work for reached office ...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I am office and working , Last week i have a lot of invitation and i have to attend all of this intonation,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My picture

This is the picture of my native village. I like to swimming in this river every days 3 to 4 times daily in my childhood. In summer water level goes down and and we can cross the river by walking.
এই কাঠের পুল পার হয়ে আমরা স্কুলে যেতাম ..............

Dhaka has came back in his own face

After the eid holiday Dhaka is now full of jam , over loaded and crowded city now. today is Sunday and the most busy day of the week. It take 2 hour for just 20 kilometer . I reached office at 10.15 am .
This is the actual picture of Dhaka, But last few days due to Eid holiday Dhaka was a fantastic face .